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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Genome-wide Twist1 occupancy in endocardial cushion cells, embryonic limb buds, and peripheral nerve sheath tumor cells

Figure 3

Shared Twist1 binding regions detected by ChIP-seq in ECC, limb buds, and PNST cells. A. Twist1 ChIP-seq peaks identified in E12.5 ECCs, E10.5 limb buds, and PNST cells were filtered based on a cut off of 50 Kb from the nearest TSS and gene expression as determined by microarray in each cell type. The peaks associated with expressed genes from each tissue type were analyzed for shared peaks and are represented in the Venn diagram. B. A total of 205 Twist1 binding regions were detected in both ECC and limb bud, and 138 contain E-box consensus sequences. The four predominant GO categories for the 108 genes associated with shared ECC-Limb E-box-containing binding regions are shown. C. Gene names and descriptions of the four GO categories containing the most genes for ECC-Limb E-box containing binding regions from B are shown. D. Gene names and descriptions are shown for shared binding regions detected in ECC-PNST, Limb-PNST, and ECC-Limb-PNST groups.

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