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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Complete genome sequence of producer of the glycopeptide antibiotic Aculeximycin Kutzneria albida DSM 43870T, a representative of minor genus of Pseudonocardiaceae

Figure 1

Schematic representation of the Kutzneria albida genome, created with the help of Circos [[19]]; megabases are labeled; smaller ticks correspond to 100 kbp segments. From outside: genes on the forward and the reverse strands (blue: shorter than 900 bp, green: between 900 and 1500 bp long, orange: longer than 1500 bp); 46 secondary metabolite clusters coloured by type (NRPS: blue; siderophore NRPS: lighter blue; PKS: green; hybrid PKS-NRPS: dark purple; terpene: orange; other: yellow); genomic islands; G + C content, 10kbp window (blue colour highlights segments with G + C content <69%); G + C content, 100 kbp window (lighter blue is higher G + C, darker blue is lower G + C content); G + C skew (green: positive; blue: negative); cumulative G + C skew. The oriC is placed at coordinate zero.

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