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Figure 7 | BMC Genomics

Figure 7

From: Dynamics of miRNA driven feed-forward loop depends upon miRNA action mechanisms

Figure 7

The ability of FFLs to buffer noise introduced by TF in frame of different models. In each panel the values of parameter ε calculated in 100 experiments are shown as narrow vertical lines. ε < 0 means that the noise is buffered in a loop, ε > 0 means non-ability of the loop to dampen noise. The coefficients and initial conditions for each experiment are given in section. A-C: Type 1 incoherent loop is able to buffer noise introduced by TF in all models. D - F: Type 2 incoherent loop buffers TF noise in all models. G: Type 1 coherent loop is a bad buffer in frame of the Stop model. I, H: Type 1 coherent loop is able to dampen TF noise in frame of the Target and Dual degradation models. J: Type 2 coherent loop is a bad buffer in frame of the Stop model. K, L: Type 2 coherent loop is able to buffer TF noise under the Target and Dual degradation models.

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