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Table 5 Important 2-miRNA and 3-miRNA rules by using the shortest pair-wise distance and the Max-Min technique.

From: Rule discovery and distance separation to detect reliable miRNA biomarkers for the diagnosis of lung squamous cell carcinoma

miRNA biomarkers

Their expression ranges and the rules

miR-98 and miR-205

7.356 ≤ miR − 98 < +∞ ∩ −∞ <miR − 205 ≤ 9.601 → N ormal(100%)

miR-451 and miR-205

6.148 ≤ miR − 451 < +∞ ∩ −∞ <miR − 205 ≤ 9.601 → N ormal(100%)

let-7a and miR-205

−∞ <let − 7a ≤ 11.989 ∩ −∞ <miR − 205 ≤ 9.601 → N ormal(100%)

miR-103 and miR-126

7.755 ≤ miR − 103 < +∞ ∩ −∞ <miR − 126 ≤ 8.825 → Cancer(100%)

miR-126, miR-205 and miR-182

−∞ <miR − 126 ≤ 8.825 ∩ 5.354 ≤ miR − 205 < +∞ ∩5.551 ≤ miR − 182 < +∞ → Cancer(100%)

miR-133a, miR-21 and miR-520a-AS

−∞ <miR − 133a ≤ 5.844 ∩ 7.381 ≤ miR − 21 < +∞ ∩ − ∞ <miR − 520a − AS ≤ 5.229 → Cancer(100%)

miR-100, miR-199a and miR-200c

−∞ <miR − 100 ≤ 8.706 ∩ −∞ <miR − 199a ≤ 7.091 ∩ − ∞ <miR − 200c ≤ 9.890 → N ormal(100%)