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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes: comparative genomics and network perspectives

Figure 1

Percentage comparison of Pan-Cancer samples mutated in five gene sets (A and B) and across 12 tumor types (C and D). In Figure D, one star indicates a P-value less than 0.05 based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test between the two gene sets. The star color indicates the corresponding gene sets. For example, in BLCA, the top of the TSG bar has four stars, which indicates that the percentage of samples with mutations in the TSG gene set was significantly higher than that of OCG genes (blue star), target genes (red star), essential genes (green star), and other genes (gray star). 'TSG' represents the tumor suppressor genes, 'OCG' represents the oncogenes, 'Target' represents the genes encoding cancer drug targets, 'Essential' represents the essential genes, and 'Other' represents the other genes with mutation data that are part of the PPI data.

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