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Figure 4 | BMC Genomics

Figure 4

From: Microarray-based identification of antigenic variants of foot-and-mouth disease virus: a bioinformatics quality assessment

Figure 4

Display of oligonucleotides on the microarrays and microarray hybridization patterns of 16 mAb SD6-escape mutants of FMDV. a. Forty-one oligonucleotides (50 μM) were spotted in duplicate, as indicated by dotted circles in the top left box of the top left grid; each box in the grid includes the name of a oligonucleotide (sequence given in Figure 2) or negative controls (HIVa, HIVb and nn). Oligonucleotides are distributed in 4 rows and 12 columns. An oligonucleotide representing the conserved sequence 5'-CCTAGGCCGATTCTTCCG-3', C-S8c1 genomic residues 3757 to 3775 was used as a positive control of hybridization (termed ICF, Internal Control of FMDV). The ICF oligonucleotide was printed on the left top and right bottom corners of the grids, as indicated. The pattern was printed four times in each microarray. b. Each panel represents a microarray image, given by the Alexa Fluor 647 fluorescence signal, after hybridization, washing and scanning, as detailed in Methods. The distribution of oligonucleotide probes in each array is identical to that given in a. The name of the target sequence is written at the left top of each panel; the nucleotide sequence of the different targets is given in Figure 2. Positions expected to give a positive signal (perfect match) are underlined. Positions indicated by a dotted line show a mismatch hybridization but not in the central position. A weak signal due to crosshybridization is expected in these probes.

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