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Table 4 List of biological processes whose regulation involves transcription factors with putative target sites on Alu. Those transcription factors that were experimentally found to bind to Alu (see Table 2) are in bold. These reported binding events involved specific Alu sequences, and were not based on genome-wide screening.

From: Alu elements contain many binding sites for transcription factors and may play a role in regulation of developmental processes

Biological Porcess


Nuclear factors and stress response

ER.01–2 (see table 2), RAR.01 (table 2), LXRE.01, GC.01 (SP1)

Hematopoietic differentiation

GFI.01 ( Gfi-1 *) LYF1.01 ( ZNF1A1 ), GATA3.02 ( GATA3 ), OC2.01 (ONECUT2), GATA2.01(GATA2)

Heart development/Muscle development

PITX2*, NKX25.01 (Nkx2.5*), LUN01_01 (LUN1) MEF2.01–04 (MEF2A,B,C,D), RSRFC4.01/02

Brain and CNS development:

PAX6.01 (PAX6),PAX4.01 (PAX4), OTX2.02 (OTX2), NRL.01 (NRL), BRN2.03, (POU3F2), BRN3.01(POU3F3)

Eye development

PITX2.Q2 ( PITX2 )*,PAX6.01 ( PAX6 ), SIX3.01(SIX3)

Pancreas developments

PAX6.01( PAX6 ), PDX1.01

Embryonic development


Sterol biosynthesis



IRF1.01 (IRF1) IRF2.01,(IRF2), HEN1.01, HEN1.03 (TCF1,TCF2)