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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Genomes of Helicobacter pylori from native Peruvians suggest admixture of ancestral and modern lineages and reveal a western type cag-pathogenicity island

Figure 2

MLST analysis based on concatenated gene sequences of 7 housekeeping genes of H. pylori (Kimura-2 parameter). The phylogenetic tree was based on a total of 19 sequence records (concatenated) obtained under this study (SJM, HUPB, HU, CPY) while incorporating other ~400 sequence records from pubMLST database ( which were specific to different genotypes in the world (Courtesy, Daniel Falush). Different genetic populations (Hp) and subpopulations (hsp) or genotypes are named and differentially colored after previous conventions [11, 20]. All SJM isolates, Amerindians (SJM23 and 92-highlighted) and non-Amerindians (arrowheads) analyzed by us from Peru are highlighted in bold face black fonts with green twigs indicating presence of a western type cag PAI.

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