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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Comparative genomic analysis of prion genes

Figure 2

Comparative genomic analysis of PRNP, PRND and PRNT. (A) Gene order and relative gene orientations in the local PRNP genomic contexts located on the human chr. 20 (Hs), mouse chr. 2 (Mm), dog chr. 24 (Cf), opossum chr. 1 (Md), chicken chr. 22 (Gg), western clawed frog scaffold_143 (Xt) and three-spine stickleback chr. 13 (Ga). Detailed genomic sequence coordinates were given in section 4.2. Gene names were explained in the main text. Genes were drawn approximately to scale. The horizontal bar shows 10 kb sequence length. (B) Conserved region in PRNP 3'-UTR s. Sequence coordinates were calculated relative to ORFs. Rectangles denote 17 bp elements, which harbour the potential cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE) sequences (TTTTTAT, consensus CPE sequence in sheep) and highly conserved octamers (TTTGTAAC), as well as nuclear specific-polyadenylation signal sites (ATTAAA) labelled by a star. (C) Conserved region in PRND promoters. Sequence coordinates were calculated relative to introns where possible. Rectangles denote the conserved CCAAT (ATTGG), CArG (CCTTATTTGG) and TATA (TATATA) boxes. (B, C) White letters on black background indicate conservation in 100% sequences, white letters on dark gray background indicate conservation in ≥75% sequences and black letters on light gray background indicate conservation in ≥50% sequences. Cf, Canis familiaris; Ga, Gasterosteus aculeatus; Gg, Gallus gallus; Hs, Homo sapiens; Md, Monodelphis domestica; Mm, Mus musculus; Xt, Xenopus tropicalis.

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