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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Exploiting combinatorial cultivation conditions to infer transcriptional regulation

Figure 3

Heatmaps of a module. a) Normalized expression pattern of all (57) genes that share the same discretized representation, namely 100010001, and consequently, form a module. This representation, which indicates upregulation under carbon limitation and higher expression when grown within the presence of oxygen, is identical to the one derived in Figure 2. The expression patterns of the genes in this heatmap are comparable to the expression pattern in Figure 2a. b) Normalized expression pattern of the genes after the linear mapping is applied. Isolation of the oxygen effect clearly reveals upregulation under the carbon limitation. The linearly mapped expression patterns are comparable to the one in Figure 2c. c) The (identical) discretized expression pattern for the 57 genes. Note that our discretization procedure assigns a 0 to the cultivation conditions that form the most common expression level. For these 57 genes this common expression level is represented in b by the dark yellow, which occurs in six of the eight conditions. The ninth entry of this representation, i.e. the oxygen effect, is also characterized as upregulated, since the original expression levels in a are consistently higher under aerobic growth when compared to anaerobic growth.

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