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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Intrinsic androgen-dependent gene expression patterns revealed by comparison of genital fibroblasts from normal males and individuals with complete and partial androgen insensitivity syndrome

Figure 2

Cluster analysis of normal male fibroblasts from scrotum and foreskin as well as 46, XY individuals with PAIS and CAIS. Hierarchical clustering analysis of 72 microarray experiments of cultured genital fibroblasts using the SAM derived gene list. The heatmap on the left displays 259 genes that had at least 85% interpretable data across the experiments whose expression levels were at least 2-fold different from the mean expression across all samples in at least 5 microarrays. (A) The cluster dendrogram demonstrating the degree of relatedness (Pearson correlation) between the expression patterns of the 259 genes in the cultured fibroblast samples. The length of the arms of the dendrogram reflects the degree of correlation between the samples. Samples are color coded to reflect the localization of the biopsy and the degree of external genital virilization according to a grading scheme developed by Sinnecker et al. [10]. The grey bar below indicates whether a sample was derived from dataset 1, 2 or 3. ''L.n.d.'' signifies that the biopsy localization was not accurately documented. Italics indicate a sample with a 46, XX karyotype. (B) Schematic depiction of the external genitalia phenotype of the cases from which the fibroblast cultures were derived using color coding that corresponds to the degree of genital ambiguity and the location of the biopsy. Color coding corresponds to the bar below the dendrogram in (A). (C) Cluster of AR-dependent transcripts that are highly expressed in the left ''male'' major branch of the cluster that are expressed at significantly lower levels in the ''female'' branch of the cluster on the right. TBX3, previously reported in ulnar mammary syndrome and IGF2, previously reported as being down-regulated in CAIS [20] are shown in this cluster. (D) Cluster of AR-dependent transcripts that are expressed at significantly lower levels in the lefthand ''male'' branch of the cluster and at higher levels in the righthand ''female'' branch. These include many extracellular matrix genes such as proteoglycan testican, versican, and fibrillin 1. Detailed data on figure 2 is available in additional files 5, 6, 7, 8.

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