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Figure 1 | BMC Genomics

Figure 1

From: Inter- and intra-combinatorial regulation by transcription factors and microRNAs

Figure 1

TF and miRNA interaction heatmap. Each pixel on Figures 1a and 1b represents the association of a unique pair of regulators. Figure 1a measures this association by a Fisher's Exact Test p-value (dark pixels represent lower p-values or alternatively a higher value of -log10p). Figure 1b measures the association by the Bayesian probability Pr{logOR>0.6} (Here a dark pixel means a high probability). The TFs and miRNAs are ordered so that the number of targets of each regulator increases as one moves across the Figure from left to right on the horizontal axis, and also up the vertical axis. Both Figures 1a and 1b illustrate that while TF-TF and miRNA-miRNA associations are common, TF-miRNA interactions are less so. The TF-miRNA rectangles of Fig 1a demonstrate that the most significant associations (as found by Fisher's Exact Test) tend to involve TF-miRNA pairs with the TF having a large number of targets. In the corresponding areas of Figure 1b, we see a more uniform sprinkling of dark points, indicating that the Bayesian approach is less sensitive to sample size effects. The stripes on the TF-miRNA rectangles of both figures demonstrate that certain TFs are associated with almost all the miRNAs – while, surprisingly, many TFs with a similar number of targets seem to not be significantly associated with any miRNA.

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