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Figure 5 | BMC Genomics

Figure 5

From: Sequencing and analysis of the gene-rich space of cowpea

Figure 5

The CONSTANS ( CO ) and CO -like gene family from cowpea. GSRs encoding the conserved DNA binding domains of CONSTANS (CO) and CO-like TFs were identified and assembled into contigs, the putative genes were arbitrarily assigned names, and the B1 and/or B2 domains (depending on the gene) were manually excised and aligned using CLUSTALW. An unrooted phylogenetic tree was produced using the PHYLIP program based on the neighbor-joining method and presented using PhyloDraw. The comparison includes a small number of Arabidopsis, barley, pea, rice and M. truncatula CO-like genes. Cowpea genes are indicated by the prefix Vu; Arabidopsis genes by the prefix At; M. truncatula genes by the prefix Mt, pea by the prefix Ps, barley by the prefix Hv, and rice by the prefix Hd. The major groups are indicated by roman numerals. The bar indicates the percent sequence divergence. For additional information see Additional file 9.

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