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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Differences in mtDNA haplogroup distribution among 3 Jewish populations alter susceptibility to T2DM complications

Figure 2

Neighbor joining phylogenetic reconstruction of whole mtDNA sequences of the N1b haplogroup. Haplogroup I sequence was used as an out-group, since it is the phylogeneticaly closest haplogroup to N1b. Sequences were aligned and bootstrapped 1000 times, and the tree was built with MEGA3 software. Sequence names ending with either "Ash" or "Pal" were generated by us indicating non-diabetic Ashkenazi Jews and Israeli Arabs, respectively; otherwise a Genbank Identification number (GI) was mentioned. It is worth noting that gi|82792542 and gi|82792304 N1b1 sequences originate from Ashkenazi Jews whereas the N1b2 sequence gi|17985627 is of non Jewish Jordanian origin. Sequence designated Herrnstadt2002-336 was downloaded from [45], as it was not available from Genbank. Numbers near the branches are the bootstrap values; numbers in boxes are changes in nucleotide positions of the mtDNA in the relevant node. Bold – amino acid change; underlined – change in a highly conserved position. For detailed information on each mutation and its degree of conservation, see Additional file 1 – Tables 5 and 6.

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