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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: In vivo gene expression profiling of human intestinal epithelial cells: analysis by laser microdissection of formalin fixed tissues

Figure 6

Reg3A and RETLNB are transcribed exclusively in crypt epithelial cells. Transcript levels of the anti-microbial, Reg3A (A) and a potential regulator of Reg3A, RETLNB (B) in crypt epithelial cells and villus epithelium of three ileal tissue samples. The mRNA levels of Reg3A were similar to the high levels measured for alpha-defensins, supporting a potentially important and orchestrated role for these proteins in innate defense responses in the human ileum. Fold differences in expression between the crypt and villus epithelial regions are show for 3 independent patient samples (P1, P2, and P3). Statistical validation of the fold-differences in mRNA levels was determined by student t-test (P value ≤ 0.05).

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