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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: Re-annotation of the physical map of Glycine max for polyploid-like regions by BAC end sequence driven whole genome shotgun read assembly

Figure 2

Analysis of the left hand BES (CG825374) from B47P08 in diploid contig 321. Sequence analysis supported the inferred diploidized region detected by fingerprints at 90% sequence identity. Panel A: MegaBlast of BES CG825374 against 7.3 million reads with repeat masking gave 5 identical matches. From position 74 to 160 in the BES an extensive set of polymorphisms between Forrest and Williams 82 traces were evident. Panel B: Tree cluster analysis at 90% sequence identity showed the most similar homeologs clustered into 1 set as expected for low copy, diploid region in an inbreeding species.

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