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Table 1 Additional features on the gene subsets affected by amplification defaults. Hairpins, A stretches and promoter like sequences have been investigated. The parameters were the following: hairpins (minimal length: 10 nucleotides, maximal length: 100, maximal gap: 50), A stretches (size: 18A, maximal gap: 3), promoter of the T7 RNA polymerase (forward sequence: CCCTATAGTGAGTCGTATTA and reverse sequence, maximal gap: 6). Results on Panel 1 and 2 are summarised here. Statistical significance between subsets or features has not been evaluated.

From: Amplification biases: possible differences among deviating gene expressions


panel 1

panel 2




24/30 (80%)

45/65 (75%)

   ≥ 2

18/30 (60%)

22/60 (37%)


9/30 (30%)

10/60 (17%)

dA streches

3/30 (10%)

3/60 (5%)


8/30 (27%)

12/60 (20%)