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Figure 3 | BMC Genomics

Figure 3

From: Genome-wide comparative analysis reveals human-mouse regulatory landscape and evolution

Figure 3

Conservation of presumptive gene targets for a repurposed TFos. We combined cross-species gene-gene and TFos-TFos associations and gene-TFos associations to determine whether the sets of target genes of FunctCons and FunctActive TFos differ significantly. Gene-gene association data are based on a set of orthologous genes between human and mouse produced by the mouse ENCODE consortium, gene-TFos data are based on synchronized DHS activity during gene transcription [35], and TFos-TFos associations are based on our cross-species map. In the figure, we show a human TFos of Mxi on K562 (empty oval) associated with PUSL1 and ACAP3. This TFos is FunctActive, since its analogous location (broken oval linked by the dashed line with spaces between ovals indicating insertions in mouse) in mouse is bound by other TFs on other cell types (not shown). However, its analogous site in mouse is linked to gene Acap3. Incidentally, ACAP3 and Acap3 are orthologous and in our gene-gene association set. The human TFos and its analogous site in mouse bind different TFs and are active in different cell types, but they share a target gene.

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