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Figure 8 | BMC Genomics

Figure 8

From: Inorganic Arsenic-induced cellular transformation is coupled with genome wide changes in chromatin structure, transcriptome and splicing patterns

Figure 8

Splicing-sensitive human microarray analysis. A) Distribution of genes that change in gene expression and AS in iAs-T conditions. Genes whose expression is upregulated and show changes in ASEs (red); genes whose expression is downregulated and show changes in ASEs (blue). B) Examples of RT-PCR analysis of iAs-mediated alternative splicing events are shown at three genes: ABCG2, MGP, and NCAM2. Primer locations for each RT-PCR assay are shown by arrows. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice, and data are mean ± SEM with p < 0.05 (student’s t test). The list of iAs-regulated alternative splicing events and the primers used to validate microarray data are available upon request.

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