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Figure 2 | BMC Genomics

Figure 2

From: GASS: genome structural annotation for Eukaryotes based on species similarity

Figure 2

The shortest path model for the optimization of alignment-combinations. Exon i (i = 1…N) in AG are aligned to maybe multiple similar regions in UG. For example, Exon 1 is mapped to Chr1:A 1 -B 1 ; … ;Chr2:C 1 -D 1 ; …, where Chr1:A 1 -B 1 means Exon 1 is aligned from A 1 to B 1 in Chromosome 1 of UG. All alignments of Exon i is denoted as stage A i , and the j th alignment of Exon i is denoted as A i,j . d(A i,k , A i + 1,p ) measures the quality of Alignment A i,k and the rationality of relationship between A i,k and A i+1,p for neighbour Exon i and Exon i + 1. The stages “start” and “end” are the beginning and termination of one exon-combination path. The state “skip” is an extra state for each exon-alignment stage for the cases that there is no reasonable alignment available for one certain exon.

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