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Figure 6 | BMC Genomics

Figure 6

From: Analysis of RNA decay factor mediated RNA stability contributions on RNA abundance

Figure 6

Contribution of the RNA half-lives to transcriptional regulations of lincRNAs. (a, b) Scatterplot showing the relationships between H3K4me3 intensities and gene expression for all lincRNA (a) and those that were BRIC-seq compatible (red dots: t1/2 < 4 h) (b). (c, d) Examples of lincRNAs regulated by UPF1 (c) and EXOSC5 (d). Upper panels are H3K4me3 and pol II peaks, and lower panels are RNA-seq measurements for the control and indicated knockdown. UPF1 (e) and EXOSC5 (f) show the normalized decay curve from the BRIC-seq measurements for these examples. Red lines are siUPF1 (e, g) or siEXOSC5 (f, h) data, respectively and blue lines are si_control data. Enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) regulated by UPF1 (g) or EXOSC5 (h). The label shows the genomic coordinates of these eRNAs (in hg19 build). These show normalized decay curves for the BRIC-seq measurements for these examples as above.

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