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Figure 7 | BMC Genomics

Figure 7

From: Pre-symptomatic transcriptome changes during cold storage of chilling sensitive and resistant peach cultivars to elucidate chilling injury mechanisms

Figure 7

ROSMETER analysis of the harvest and cold transcriptomes of ‘Oded’, ‘Hermoza’ and LS and S peaches. The ROS indices are listed on the abscissa and the Od, Hz, LS and S samples clustered by nearest neighbor correlation are shown on the ordinate. The color-coded results of correlations for each index are shown as a heat map. Correlation values are between 1 (complete positive correlation; red) and −1 (highest negative correlation; green), where 0 indicates no correlation (black). Correlation values above 0.12 and below −0.12 represent non-random correlations. ROS signatures discriminating fruits according to their sensitivity to CI are enclosed in bold boxes. Harvest; CS1: cold storage of 1 week at 5°C; CS2: cold storage of 2 weeks at 5°C.

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