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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Genomic copy number variation in Mus musculus

Fig. 2

Number and recurrence of CNV calls. Each CNV call is represented as a single dot within larger circular clusters, with each cluster representing the autosomes 1–5, then 6–10 and so on. Calls with at least 40 % reciprocal overlap are joined by a line and considered recurrent. Each dot is then coloured on a heatmap scale, based on how many overlaps that call has with other calls on the same chromosome. The heat map colours range from 0 overlaps (dark blue) to 175 overlaps (red, chosen as it is half the number of total samples present). The total size of each chromosomal cluster is proportionate to the number of events found on that chromosome. Larger collections of connected dots represent CNV calls that are found in many samples, while unconnected dots represent unique events not shared among any samples. Labels A through D indicate complex clusters

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