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Table 4 Characteristics of the BAC contigs in the physical map of chromosome 6B

From: A high-resolution physical map integrating an anchored chromosome with the BAC physical maps of wheat chromosome 6B


6BS (size, coveragea)

6BL (size, coveragea)

6B (size, coveragea)

BAC contigs on the RH map

201 (340.2 Mb, 82.0 %)

261 (454.5 Mb, 91.3 %)

462 (794.8 Mb, 87.0 %)

BAC contigs not on the RH map but anchored with markers

6 (1.05 Mb, 0.25 %)

7 (1.12 Mb, 0.22 %)

13 (2.17 Mb, 0.24 %)

BAC contigs not anchored with markers

97 (17.8 Mb, 4.3 %)

117 (19.0 Mb, 3.8 %)

214 (36.8 Mb, 4.0 %)

  1. aCoverage was calculated based on the estimated size of each arm and the entire chromosome: 415 Mb for 6BS; 498 Mb for 6BL; and 914 Mb for 6B