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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Evolutionary transitions in the Asteraceae coincide with marked shifts in transposable element abundance

Fig. 1

Genomic contribution of TE superfamilies in the Asteraceae. a Phylogenetic tree of 14 Asteraceae species and one outgroup species derived from 763 nuclear loci (see Methods). Filled circles indicate nodes with >75 % bootstrap support; to the right of the tree are the subfamilies to which each species belongs; the red stars on the branches indicate the timing of whole genome duplication events based on [56]. b Barplot of the genomic composition of TE superfamilies. The x-axis indicates abundance in base pairs for each species, shown along the y-axis. Filled circles indicate the genome size for each species. Superfamilies by order and class: Copia, Gypsy, ERV, and DIRS are LTR-RTs; Helitron is in subclass II of Class II; EnSpm, MuDR, hAT, Mariner/Tc1, and Polinton are TIR Class II TEs; Crypton are unique Class II elements in the order Crypton; L1, L2, and Jockey are LINE non-LTR-RTs; Penelope TEs belong in the unique Penelope order of retrotransposons; R1 are a group of non-LTR-RTs that insert into rDNA genes. The diagonal line through each entry in the barplot legend indicates the border of each TE type in the plot, which is a solid black line

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