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Fig. 4 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 4

From: MiR-210 promotes sensory hair cell formation in the organ of corti

Fig. 4

Lineage tracing of Sox2-positive supporting cells after miR-210 overexpression in organ of Corti explants. a Lineage tracing: scheme showing individual mouse lines with modified Sox2 and Rosa26 gene loci for CreERT2 and conditional EGFP expression, respectively. EGFP expression is activated after crossing of both mouse lines and Tamoxifen injection leading to Sox2-Cre-mediated excision of a floxed Stop-cassette which facilitates constitutive EGFP expression in Sox2 expressing cells and cells derived thereof (Sox2 lineage). b Organ of Corti explants of Sox2CreERT2/R26EGFP double transgenic offspring 4 days after Tamoxifen administration. c Organ of Corti explants of Sox2CreERT2/R26EGFP double transgenic offspring 4 days after Tamoxifen administration followed by mir210-Ad5 transduction

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