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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: A transcriptional blueprint for a spiral-cleaving embryo

Fig. 3

Quality evaluation of the de novo Platynereis transcriptome assembly. To evaluate the transcriptome assembly without a reference genome, the assembled transcripts were aligned against curated genes. Coverage refers to the proportion of the curated genes covered by our assembled transcripts. The lines are the cumulative number of genes covered, ordered by the degree of coverage. a The Platynereis transcriptome aligned to the Swiss-Prot database. 3507 Swiss-Prot proteins were aligned with >90 % coverage and 8335 proteins have at least 50 % coverage. b The Platynereis transcriptome aligned to the core eukaryotic genes from Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. For both species, ~300 core genes have >90 % coverage. c The Platynereis transcriptome aligned to cDNA and EST Platynereis sequences from NCBI. 1447 of 1775 of the Platynereis genes can be assembled with at least 90 % coverage

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