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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Elucidating tissue specific genes using the Benford distribution

Fig. 6

Benford analysis of single-cell retinal RNA-seq data: GeneAnalytics analysis of the extremely deviating genes from the Benford distribution. Least (a) and most (b) 300 (in each direction) deviating genes were subjected to enrichment analysis of Gene Ontologies – Biological Processes (main panel) and Tissues and cells (inner panel). c The distribution of MAE (mean absolute error) scores from the Benford law for all genes. Highest (blue) and lowest (red) 300 scoring genes were selected for further expression analysis and descriptor enrichment testing. d Expression level distribution of 300 highest (blue) and 300 lowest (red) MAE scoring genes

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