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Table 5 Transcription analysis of 9 selected genes for peroxide catabolism in C. cochliodes recorded with RT-qPCR. Quantitative values representing relative changes of the transcription level were obtained by comparison of the expression of a particular gene in 30 min. induced vs. non induced samples. The constitutively expressed ITS1 region was used as internal standard for normalization

From: Genome sequence of the filamentous soil fungus Chaetomium cochliodes reveals abundance of genes for heme enzymes from all peroxidase and catalase superfamilies

Changes in expression levels against non-induced control*

Analysed gene

Sample with 5 mM H2O2

Sample with 5 mM PAA


1.5 x

3.0 x


0.3 x

1.7 x


0.3 x

2.3 x


0.4 x

1.8 x


3.3 x

18.5 x


2.7 x

2.9 x


1.1 x

0.5 x


0.4 x

1.1 x


0.6 x

1.9 x

  1. * Changes in the expression levels compared to the control sample (with the reference value of 1.0) were calculated as relative quantities due to the formula RQ = 2 – ΔΔCq where Cq is the quantification cycle of each RT-qPCR reaction. Presented are average values of triplicates for each listed gene and each inducer. Typical amplification plots and melting curves are presented in Additional file 4: Figure S2