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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dynamic changes in A-to-I RNA editome during early human embryogenesis

Fig. 1

Characteristics of candidate RNA-editings in cells during early human embryogenesis. a Percentages of mismatch types in each cell. Each column represents one cell. b Neighbor preferences for A-to-G (top) and T-to-C (bottom) sites in each cell. A-to-G sites and the complementary strand of T-to-C sites display the motif signature of ADAR mediated A-to-I editing. Each pair of dots and triangles represents the G/C base % at position −1 (blue) and +1 (red) in one cell. c Percentages of A-to-I RNA-editing sites in functional genome elements at different stages. ncRNA, noncoding RNA. Each column represents one cell. d Changes in candidate A-to-I RNA-editing sites at different stages. Each bar represents one cell. O: oocyte; P: pronucleus; Z: zygote; 2: 2-cell; 4: 4-cell; 8: 8-cell; M: morula. e RNA-editing frequency at each editing site (column) in each cell (row). Blank regions, uniquely mapped reads < 4, not qualified for RNA-editing determination

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