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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Diversity, evolution and expression profiles of histone acetyltransferases and deacetylases in oomycetes

Fig. 7

Clustering analysis of expression patterns of HATs and HDACs in P. infestans during development stages. The heat map a and the line charts b that generated by the clustering affinity search show the expression data of 33 HATs and 11 HDACs of P. infestans at different biological stages that detected with real-time qPCR. The color bar represents the log2 of expression fold changes, ranging from white (0.0) to blue (12.0). As the sequence identity within each of the two pairs of genes, PifHAG3 and PifHAG24, PifHDAC6 and PifHDAC8, is over than 97%, same primer was used for detecting the expression of each pair of genes. c Hierachical clustering tree of different samples. MY, mycelia; SP, sporangia; ZO, zoospores; CY, cysts; GC, germinated cysts; 4D1(or 2), the 4d old mycelia of A1 (or A2) isolate; respectively; 4DM, 10DM and 14DM, the 4d, 10d, and 14d old mycelia and oospores from junction areas between A1 and A2 isolates

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