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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Mosaic structure of Mycobacterium bovis BCG genomes as a representation of phage sequences’ mobility

Fig. 6

IS, repeats, prophage sequences and PE, PPE and PE_PGRS genes in BCG Russia 368 genome. The circular map of BCG Russia 368 genome was visualized using GenomeVx program. All prophage sequences were predicted by PHAST. Circles description: a repeats (REP, VNTR and CRISPR elements); b phages sequences (according to PHAST); c Insertion sequence elements; d genes for PE, PPE and PE_PGRS proteins. Abbreviations: IS - insertion sequence elements, REP - repetitive extragenic palindrome element; CR - CRISPR or possible CRISPR sequences predicted by CRISPRfinder; VNTR - variable number tandem repeat; TI - BCG Tice (CP003494.1) phages sequences; MN - BCG Montreal (CP010331.1) phages sequences; AF - M. bovis AF2122/97 (BX248333.1) phages sequences; PHR-2-rep - 922 bp repeat of 7.5 kb BCG Russia phages sequence; PHR-1–11 kb BCG Russia phages sequence; PHR-2–7.5 kb BCG Russia phages sequence. Bars colors indicated phages sequences discovered in different M. bovis genomes: purple - BCG Tice (CP003494.1); blue - BCG Montreal (CP010331.1); orange - M. bovis AF2122/97 (BX248333.1), red - BCG Russia 368 (CP009243)

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