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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Analysis of triglyceride synthesis unveils a green algal soluble diacylglycerol acyltransferase and provides clues to potential enzymatic components of the chloroplast pathway

Fig. 6

Phylogenetic relationships of algae DGAT2 sequences. Rooted circular phylogram representation of the tree generated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method (500 bootstraps) on the conserved regions of proteins from the DGAT2 family of the species detailed in Table 1 and Additional file 1. Gray circles represent ML bootstrap values > 50. Labels highlighted in yellow are algal sequences, numbers after the abbreviated species names are internal IDs. Due to high number of sequences, some subclades were collapsed to allow proper visualization of important leaves and branches. The scale bar represents 0.1 amino acid substitution per site. The inset is the same tree as an unrooted radial phylogram, with the ML bootstrap values for the four main clades: I-IV. To view the trimmed MSA used to reconstruct the tree in Phylip format and the raw consensus tree in Newick format, see Additional file 8

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