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Table 1 Relations defined in STQL for comparing different intervals

From: START: a system for flexible analysis of hundreds of genomic signal tracks in few lines of SQL-like queries



Example use

I1 coincides with I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart = I2.chrstart and I1.chrend = I2.chrend

From the tracks of two replicated experiments where each interval stores the average signal of a genomic bin, find out the bins with values in both experiments

I1 overlaps with I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart ≤ I2.chrend and I1.chrend ≥ I2.chrstart

From a track of intervals that represent a type of signal, find out those that overlap the promoters defined as intervals in another track

I1 contains I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart ≤ I2.chrstart and I1.chrend ≥ I2.chrend

From a track of intervals that represent transcription factor binding sites, find out those that contain single nucleotide variants defined as intervals in another track

I1 is within I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart ≥ I2.chrstart and I1.chrend ≤ I2.chrend

From a track of intervals that represent genes, find out those that are contained by haplotype blocks defined as intervals in another track

I1 is adjacent to I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and (I1.chrend + 1 = I2.chrstart or I1.chrstart − 1 = I2.chrend)

From a track of intervals that represent different sequence elements, find out the flanking exons of an intron

I1 is prefix of I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart = I2.chrstart and I1.chrend ≤ I2.chrend

From a track of intervals that represent genes and their sub-elements, find out the first exon of each gene on the positive strand

I1 is suffix of I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart ≥ I2.chrstart and I1.chrend = I2.chrend

From a track of intervals that represent genes and their sub-elements, find out the first exon of each gene on the negative strand

I1 precedes I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrend < I2.chrstart

Ordering any type of intervals on the same chromosome

I1 follows I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and I1.chrstart > I2.chrend

Ordering any type of intervals on the same chromosome

I1 is upstream of I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and ((I2.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1 precedes I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1.strand = ‘.’ and I1 precedes I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ −’ and I1.strand = ‘ −’ and I1 follows I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ −’ and I1.strand = ‘.’ and I1 follows I2))

From a track of intervals that represent transcripts, define their promoter regions

I1 is downstream of I2

I1.chr = I2.chr and ((I2.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1 follows I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ + ’ and I1.strand = ‘.’ and I1 follows I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ −’ and I1.strand = ‘ −’ and I1 precedes I2) or (I2.strand = ‘ −’ and I1.strand = ‘.’ and I1 precedes I2))

From a track of intervals that represent sequence motifs, find out their downstream sequence elements defined as intervals in another track