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Fig. 6 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 6

From: Single molecule counting and assessment of random molecular tagging errors with transposable giga-scale error-correcting barcodes

Fig. 6

EXB-based and random-mer-based transcriptome analysis. The ratio between random-mer and EXB-based gene expression level is shown for a 10 ng, b 1 ng, and c 100 pg of input cDNA. The x-axis corresponds to the rank of the expression ratio, and is sorted independently for each sample. To emphasize the number of inflated genes, the x-axis is shown in log scale. d Technical variation between counting methods. The ratio between random-mer and EXB-based quantification coefficient of variation across technical replicates is shown for 100 pg input. For each sample type, the coefficient of variation ratios is sorted by decreasing order. e Impact of counting methods on differential expression analysis. The number of differentially expressed genes detected with an FDR threshold of 0.05 is shown for both random-mer and EXB-based quantification methods

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