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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: The dynamics of smoking-related disturbed methylation: a two time-point study of methylation change in smokers, non-smokers and former smokers

Fig. 3

Change in methylation beta values from baseline to follow-up, 2-year intervals. Displayed are the results for current smokers, former smokers and never smokers. Upper panel: gives the length of the interquartile range over all CpG sites of the median change in methylation. A larger interquartile range indicates greater fluctuation in methylation between baseline and follow-up over the 590 CpG sites. Lower panel: gives the proportion of sites with consistent direction of change to the effect of smoking as found in the epigenome-wide analysis, “consistent” defined here as opposite in sign to the baseline effect of smoking. For both panels, the red line indicates the value for the never smoking individuals, the blue line is the smoothing loess curve as defined by the stat_smooth function with default values from the R package ggplot2, and the gray band is its 95% confidence interval. Additional file 8: Figure S3 shows the same analysis but for the original TSQL categories

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