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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Comprehensive genomic analysis of the CNGC gene family in Brassica oleracea: novel insights into synteny, structures, and transcript profiles

Fig. 3

Multiple sequence alignment of BoCNGC-specific domains, and a three-dimensional model of BoCNGC1. Cartoon model with characteristic CNGC domains provided on top. The BoCNGC-specific consensus motif keys are listed below the cartoon. Amino acids allowed in a specific position are presented in square brackets. X represents any amino acid, while numbers in round brackets indicate the number of amino acids. The multiple sequence alignment of BoCNGC proteins is presented with the CNBD, CaMBD, and IQ domain indicated with different colours. The CNBD domain includes a conserved PBC and hinge region, followed by the CaMBD. Residues shaded in black and grey indicate 100% and >50% similarity among the 26 BoCNGCs

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