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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Phylogenetic and recombination analysis of the herpesvirus genus varicellovirus

Fig. 2

Phylogenetic, G + C content, intraspecies genetic distance analysis of the genome sequenced varicelloviruses. A maximum likelihood tree (a) was generated from a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of the genome sequenced varicelloviruses using RAxML, and AnHV-1 as an outgroup. Bootstrap values over 65% are shown. b Splitstree was used to generate a phylogenetic network based on the varicellovirus (+ outgroup) MSA, and used settings obtained from jmodeltest2 (kimura 2-parameter, gamma = 2.3210, and p-inverse = 0.0890). The genome G + C composition percentages (pink) and intraspecies genetic distances (green; maximum composite likelihood, pairwise deletion) in panel b were calculated using and Mega 6, respectively. * denotes CHV-1 genetic distance based on three UK derived strains, while ** overall CHV-1 distance including stain BTU-1. The pink circle in the middle of the figure highlights a possible restriction between the two halves of the network

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