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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Phylogenetic and recombination analysis of the herpesvirus genus varicellovirus

Fig. 5

Phylogenetic, genetic distance, and recombination analysis of pseudorabies (SuHV-1). a Maximum likelihood tree of SuHV-1 genomic sequences generated using RAxML, with BHV-1 as an outgroup. Bootstrap values over 65% are shown. Phylogenetic network (b) was produced using Splitstree (kimura 2-parameter, gamma = 0.1520, and p-inverse = 0. 0.240). The genetic distance (Mega 6) between the Chinese (SuHV-1.1) and European/American (SuHV-1.2) clades was 2.76%. Recombination bootscan analysis (RDP4) of strain NAI3 scanned against the remaining SuHV-1 strains is shown in panel c. Viral strains in panels A and B are colored according to country of origin (a)

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