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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: A-to-I RNA editing in the rat brain is age-dependent, region-specific and sensitive to environmental stress across generations

Fig. 5

Transgenerational effects of stress on A-to-I RNA editing and related gene expression levels in the rat brain. a Experimental Design: Transgenerational transmission of stress effects. b mRNA gene expression of Adar, Adarb1 and Htr2c (b 1 ), and Htr2c A-D site editing (b 2 ) In PFC of F1 (top row) and F2 (bottom row) offspring. c mRNA gene expression of Adar, Adarb1 and Htr2c (c 1 ), and RNA editing levels of 4 Htr2c sites (c 2 ), In AMY of F1 (top row) and F2 (bottom row) offspring. d Htr2c isoform distribution changes between C and PRS (F0), O1-C and O1-PRS (F1) and O2-C and O2-PRS (F2) in PFC (d 1 ) and AMY (d 2 ). *p < 0.05. N’s, PFC: F1, O1-C 6, O1-PRS 8; F2, O2-C 6, O2-PRS 9; AMY: F1, 4, 9; F2, 5, 7

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