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Table 2 Sequence Analysis Details for DNase-seq Samples

From: Global analysis of primary mesenchyme cell cis-regulatory modules by chromatin accessibility profiling

Avg. no. sequenced reads/sample

23.5 M

Avg. no. reads mapped/sample

19 M (80.8%)

Avg. no. reads mapped/sample after duplicate removal and equalization

14.7 M (62.5%)

Avg. no. peaks called/sample


Avg. fraction reads in peaks


No. peaks in RPS


Avg. size of peak in RPS

637 bp

Genome coverage of RPS


No. differential peaks (p < 0.1)


No. differential peaks within 10 kb of a gene


No. differential peaks within 10 kb of a PMC DE gene

258; 5.31-fold enrichment (p < 2.2e-16)

  1. One thousand six hundred fifty nine peaks with nominal p-values < 0.1 as calculated by DESeq2 [85] were determined to be enriched in the control embryos compared to PMC (−) embryos: these are DNase-seq differential peaks. Two hundred fifty eighty of these peaks were found to be within 10 kb of PMC DE genes