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Fig. 9 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 9

From: Long-read sequencing uncovers a complex transcriptome topology in varicella zoster virus

Fig. 9

A to I hyper-editing of NTO3. a. Reads of NTO3 and the overlapping transcripts mapping to the VZV genome visualized with IGV. The orange dots represent G mismatches, indicating editing events. b. Substitution matrix of the NTO3 reads (n = 703 substitutions / 7749 nt, p < 0.0001, Fisher’s exact test). c. The position and frequency of A- > G substitutions on the genomic sequence corresponding to the NTO2 transcript, showing both NTO3 and the overlapping transcripts. Substitutions with high frequencies indicate A to I editing events, while those with low frequency are sequencing errors. d. The motif surrounding the editing sites. The motif was found using the MEME software suite with an E-value of 0.58 and a log likelihood ratio of 46. The edited adenosine is marked with a *

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