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Fig. 3 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 3

From: Genetic variation of dynamic fiber elongation and developmental quantitative trait locus mapping of fiber length in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Fig. 3

Population structure and linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay of upland cotton accessions. a NJ phylogenetic analysis of 93 cotton accessions; purple and green represent Groups 1 and 2, respectively. b Population structure of 83 upland cotton accessions based on a STRUCTURE analysis with k = 2; red and green represent subpopulation 1 (P1) and subpopulation 2 (P2), respectively (c) ΔK based on the rate of change in LnP (K) between successive K values. d LD decay determined based on squared correlations of allele frequencies (r2) against the distance between polymorphic sites in the A subgenome (blue), D subgenome (orange) and AD genome (gray)

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