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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: Purification of high-quality RNA from a small number of fluorescence activated cell sorted zebrafish cells for RNA sequencing purposes

Fig. 1

Comparative qualitative analysis of RNA purified with the Rnaqeuous and Rneasy micro kit. (a) Boxplots showing RQN values and (b) RNA yield of 10 RNA samples purified from 20,000 FACS sorted fli1a:EGFP zebrafish cells with the RNAqueous micro (left) and the RNeasy plus micro (right) kit. Red dots represent RQN values of individual samples. (c) Boxplots showing 5′-3′ delta-Cq (dCq) values calculated from a 5′ and a 3′ RT-qPCR assay of 7 RNA samples isolated from 20,000 FACS sorted fli1a:EGFP zebrafish cells with the RNAqueous micro (left) and the RNeasy plus micro (right) kit. Red dots represent 5′-3′ dCq values of individual samples. * P < 0.05 (Wilcoxon sum rank test). (d )Average Cq values of a qPCR assay for elfa and loopern4 of 5 RNA samples (2 ng input) purified with the RNAqueous micro or the RNeasy plus micro kit. In total, four different gDNA removal strategies were evaluated: 1) no DNase treatment, 2) gDNA removal strategy of the RNA isolation kit 3) Heat & Run DNase treatment or 4) gDNA removal from the kit + heat & run DNase treatment)

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