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Fig. 2 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 2

From: Purification of high-quality RNA from a small number of fluorescence activated cell sorted zebrafish cells for RNA sequencing purposes

Fig. 2

Sorting small cell populations directly into the lysis buffer of the RNA isolation kit improves RNA quality and yield. (a) RQN values (b) and RNA yield of RNA samples isolated from a range of cell numbers (5000–200,000) when sorting directly into the lysis buffer of the RNA isolation kit or collecting the cells first into a collection medium. RQN values (c) and RNA yield (d) of RNA samples isolated from a range of cell numbers (5000–200,000) sorted directly into the lysis buffer or sorted into a collection buffer first. But here the volume of the lysis buffer was amended not to exceed its maximum dilution point caused by the sorting procedure. Left panels show samples isolated with the RNeasy plus micro kit, right panels with the RNAqueous micro kit. Average of two biological replicates is shown. Error bars indicate SEM

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