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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Identifying similar transcripts in a related organism from de Bruijn graphs of RNA-Seq data, with applications to the study of salt and waterlogging tolerance in Melilotus

Fig. 5

Comparisons of the change in the total number of exons in genes with multiple isoforms recovered by Oases and Trans-ABySS to the change in the ones recovered by extVelvet and extABySS respectively over the ones recovered by Velvet and ABySS respectively for different values of k and k-mer coverage cutoff c. Notations are the same as in Figure 3. Exons within isoforms that do not have the same starting position or the same ending position are considered to be distinct. An exon is recovered if it has some overlap with the best BLAST alignment. Exons within mRNAs are considered when comparing each model organism against itself, while exons within coding regions of the related model organism are considered in the other cases. Results for S. pombe are not included since there is little alternative splicing, while a few other results are not included due to poor annotations of alternative splicing in the related model organisms

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