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Fig. 7 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 7

From: Genetic mechanism underlying sexual plasticity and its association with colour patterning in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Fig. 7

Results of gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA): a, Bar charts represent classification of significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in gene ontology (GO) database. Categories are indicated using the number of genes present in each category and the number of genes identified in the GO library (p < 0.05). The vertical axis represents 5 top ranks GOs with the smallest p-values and in addition 3 (*) interesting GOs regarding our objectives in this study, and the horizontal axis represents the number of significantly DEGs in each GO term. b, Scatter plots illustrate enriched KEGG database pathways. The vertical axis represents the enriched pathway categories and the horizontal axis represents the rich factor of the enriched pathways. The size and colour of dots represent the gene number and the range of p-values, respectively. Rich factor is the ratio of differentially expressed gene number enriched in the pathway to the total gene number in a certain pathway. Set A: the enriched pathways or GOs considering significantly DEGs in MTF vs. FTF (119 genes), Set B: the enriched pathways or GOs considering significantly DEGs in MTG vs. FTG (762 genes), Set C: the enriched pathways or GOs considering significantly DEGs in overlapping between four comparison groups (108 genes)

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