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Fig. 1 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 1

From: mRNA profiling reveals significant transcriptional differences between a multipotent progenitor and its differentiated sister

Fig. 1

FACS sorting SGPs and hmcs from L1 larvae. (a) The SGPs (Z1 and Z4; red), and one hmc (green) are present in the first larval (L1) stage. The SGPs divide to produce support cells of the adult reproductive system, including distal tip cells (DTC), sheath, spermatheca, and uterus (grey). Each SGP produces one of the two gonadal arms: Z1 makes the anterior arm and Z4 makes the posterior arm. (b) Cell lineage leading to SGPs and hmcs. Precursor cells (not shown) divide asymmetrically to generate one SGP and one hmc. The hmcR cell dies by programmed cell death prior to the L1 stage. (c) Merged confocal differential interference and fluorescence microscopy image of an L1 stage worm with reporters expressed in the SGPs (ehn-3::tdTomato, red) and the hmc (bgal-1::GFP, green). Inset shows fluorescence images for each cell type. (d) Cell dissociates from L1 stage larvae showing individual cells expressing ehn-3::tdTomato (D, SGPs) and bgal-1::GFP (D’, hmcs). (e) FACS profile of dissociated cells from L1 larvae. GFP positive (green) and tdTomato positive cells (red) are outlined with boxes

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