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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: Comparison of gene expression profile of the spinal cord of sprouting-capable neonatal and sprouting-incapable adult mice

Fig. 5

Genes selectively up/downregulated after pyramidotomy in neonates or adults. a-d, Venn diagrams show the number of genes significantly upregulated (a, c) or downregulated (b, d) after pyramidotomy in neonates (a, b) or adult (c, d). e-h, The genes shown in the Venn diagram are plotted. Red dots indicate the genes in the overlapping area of the two circles of the Venn diagrams. Horizontal axes represent the log2 fold-change in expression levels in the pyramidotomy group compared to those in the sham group injured at P7 (e, f) or 8 weeks of age (g, h), whereas the vertical axes represent the log2 fold-change in expression levels in the pyramidotomy group injured at P7 compared to those at 8 weeks of age (e, f) or injured at 8 weeks of age compared to those at P7 (g, h)). Broken lines indicate the level of 2-fold change. Points beyond the range are plotted on the edge of the graph in triangles. i-p, Comparison of gene expression levels measured by RNA-seq (i, k, m, o) and qRT-PCR (j, l, n, p). The expression levels of Ccl6 (i, j), Cd52 (k, l), Ly86 (m, n), or Mpeg1 (o, p) are shown. Vertical axes represent the normalized read counts (i, k, m, o) or relative expression levels normalized to those of the geometric mean of Gapdh and Rps18, setting the value in the P7 sham group as 1 (j, l, n, p). Mean ± S.E.M.; n = 3 (i, k, m, o) or 5–6 (j, l, n, p). * adjusted P < 0.05, Wald test (i, k, m, o) or P < 0.05, Tukey HSD test (j, l, n, p). q, KEGG pathways significantly (adjusted P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test adjusted by Benjamini correction) enriched in the 8 W Py UP dataset are shown

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