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Fig. 5 | BMC Genomics

Fig. 5

From: iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic and physiological analysis of the response to N deficiency and the compensation effect in rice

Fig. 5

Volcano plot between NDT-NST (a), volcano plot between NCP-NSP (b). The transverse coordinate of the volcano plot is log2(FC), which represents a more significant difference away from the zero point. The longitudinal coordinate is -log(p-value), which represents a more significant difference away from the zero point. The green dots indicate downregulated DEPs, the red dots indicate upregulated DEPs, and the black spots indicate nonsignificant DEPs. NST: normal N supply at the tillering stage, NDT: N deficiency at the tillering stage. NSP: normal N supply at the young panicle differentiation stage, NCP: N compensation at the young panicle differentiation stage

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